
Injury Prevention and Wellness Consulting in Akron

Reduce Injuries, Costs, and Boost Overall Employee Health

Expert Consulting Services

David Butler, MPT, CEAS, TWD at Well Works offers expert consulting services for corporations that can significantly reduce workers compensation costs for corporations. With extensive training in manual therapy and functional employment testing, these consulting services can help reduce injuries and improve overall employee health. Contact us to see what Well Works consulting can do for your company.

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ADA AND EEOC Compliant Testing System

Functional Capacity Exams

Well Works offers consulting services, including functional capacity exams. Developed to meet a critical need—creating a medically safe, legally compliant, scientific, and objective means of matching a worker's functional capabilities with the essential functions of the job. Our system of standardized ADA/EEOC compliant pre-exams, functional capacity, and carpal tunnel tests is currently being utilized by over 2,500 employers nationwide. Employers utilizing FCEs in their comprehensive work injury and disability management programming are experiencing average work injury reductions of 50% during the first year of implementation, with continued reductions in the second and third years. Schedule a consult below and see what Well Works consulting can do for you.

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Core Components of the FCE

  • Education and Safety Training
  • Carpal Tunnel Testing
  • Maximum Safe Lifting
  • Musculoskeletal Evaluation
  • Comprehensive Pain Profile
  • Perceived Exertion Testing
  • Cardiovascular Fitness Level
  • Sincerity of Effort Testing
  • Inappropriate Illness Behavior
  • Symptom Magnification Testing
  • Validation Parameters
  • Endurance Projections
  • Job-Specific Testing
  • Job Capability Report
  • Static Testing
  • Upper Extremity Profile
  • Tasks Not Tolerated
  • Accommodation Report

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Value to Employers

Well Works offers consulting services as a valuable tool for employers. Increase profits by Streamlining the Return-to-Work Process:

  • Standardized
  • Consistent data collection and reporting on a national basis
  • Sincerity of Effort Testing
  • Successful intervention regarding symptom magnification, inappropriate illness behavior, and/or fraudulent claims
  • Comparison to employment test (if utilized) to validate injury and safely return to work as quickly as possible
  • Use of ergonomic library to match essential function tests and modify duty to accommodate early return-to-work
  • Computerized technology that summarizes return-to-work capabilities automatically
  • Percentiles, coefficients of variation, assessments, quality assurance and validity are all built into software to ensure accurate reporting

About Well Works

Successful Managed Care

WellWorks recognizes the value of obtaining objective data to evaluate post-injury status. This information is invaluable to the injured worker, the clinic that needs to establish realistic treatment goals, and the employer who wants a successful managed care program that is truly objective. Contact us today to get started.

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What makes The WellWorks FCE Unique?

The Well Works FCE Meets APTA recommendations for FCE requirements, quantifies safe functional abilities, and includes protocol for disability evaluation, return-to-work, case management, etc. Our therapist makes recommendations based upon objective data collected during testing. It Includes sincerity of effort testing and includes 17 DOT non-material handling components. In addition, Internet-driven reports are automatically calculated and generated. We will also accommodate any additional tests desired. Call us to get started!

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Menu-Driven FCE Reports

When You Need Them

When Data entry is complete, a number of menu-driven FCE reports are available at the touch of a key. These include:

  • A comprehensive version explaining test procedures
  • A condensed version documenting results and inconsistencies
  • A physician's job status report
  • A return-to-work summary
  • A time-specific billing statement
  • Sincerity of Effort Testing

Schedule an appointment below to get started.

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About Well Works

More than Physical Therapy

Well Works Physical Therapy provides evidence-based physical therapy and occupational health services throughout the Northeast Ohio region. David Butler is both director and business operations manager and has been featured on WKYC-TV Cleveland, Channel 3, demonstrating the effectiveness of the approach to injury prevention as well as injury management.

We strive to provide you with more than just routine physical therapy. Our highly trained staff will work with you to develop a program designed to fit your individual needs. Please contact us if you have any questions about our services. 

Get To Know Our Staff

  • David Butler, MPT, CEAS, TWD

    David received a BS in Economics at Holy Cross University in Worcester, MA, and a MS in Physical Therapy from Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI. He founded Northside Rehabilitation, Inc., in North Canton, and now WellWorks, Inc., in Warrensville Heights, Ohio. He is a certified ergonomics assessment specialist as well as a transitional work developer. Dave has been recently featured on NBC News for his role in significantly reducing workers' compensation costs for one of the largest sanitation companies in the U.S. Dave also has extensive training in manual therapy and functional employment testing. He also spends a considerable amount of time consulting with medium- to large-sized companies, developing and implementing injury prevention and wellness programs. Dave is married with two children and lives in Chagrin Falls, Ohio.

arm therapy
Personalized Services

Well Works offers more services to improve your health and well-being than just physical therapy. We offer fitness programs, medical gym weight loss programs, wellness programs, and more. We also offer consulting services from our expert staff for businesses and corporations, aimed at reducing injuries and improving the health of your employees. Contact our team today to learn more about our services.

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Physical Therapies

  • Balance and Fall Programs
  • Manual Physical Therapy
  • Neurological Physical Therapy
  • Orthopedic Physical Therapy
  • Post-Rehab Physical Therapy
  • Sports Physical Therapy


  • Fitness Programs
  • Med Gym Weight Loss
  • Wellness Programs


  • Ergonomics
  • Functional Capacity Evaluations
  • Jobsite Analysis

Cold Laser

WellWorks Physical Therapy is proud to introduce the 830 cold laser. This revolutionary new technology uses the healing properties of light to reduce pain and inflammation and increase tissue healing and strength. Recently approved by the FDA, this revolutionary technology has been used in Europe for 30 years. WellWorks is one of the few physical therapy clinics in the greater Cleveland area to acquire this state-of-the-art technology.

Get Your Active Life Back

Well Works provides comprehensive physical therapy for patients, with treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique symptoms and needs. Our outpatient clinics is dedicated to helping patients reduce their symptoms, heal their injuries, and improve their balance and coordination. To schedule an appointment, click the button below or give us a call today!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? We’re here to help.

  • What happens during my first visit?

    During your first visit, you can expect the following:

    Arrive at your appointment with your paperwork completed (you can download it from our website; see the paperwork or forms link).

    You will provide us with your referral for physical therapy if you have one. If you don't have a referral, let us know when you schedule your first visit with us (note: a referral is not always needed).

    We will copy your insurance card.

    You will be seen for the initial evaluation by the therapist.

    The therapist will discuss the following:

    • Your medical history
    • Your current problems or complaints
    • Pain intensity is what aggravates and eases the problem.
    • how this is impacting your daily activities or your functional limitations.
    • Your goals with physical therapy
    • Medications, tests, and procedures related to your health
    • The therapist will then perform the objective evaluation, which may include some of the following:

    1. Palpation: touching around the area of the pain or problem. This is done to check for the presence of tenderness, swelling, soft tissue integrity, tissue temperature, inflammation, etc.
    2. Range of Motion (ROM): the therapist will move the joint(s) to check for the quality of movement and any restrictions.
    3. Muscle Testing: The therapist may check for strength and the quality of the muscle contraction. Pain and weakness may be noted. Often, muscle strength is graded. This is also part of a neurological screening.
    4. Neurological Screening: The therapist may check to see how the nerves are communicating with the muscles, sensing touch, pain, vibration, or temperature. Reflexes may be assessed as well.
    5. Special Tests: The therapist may perform special tests to confirm or rule out the presence of additional problems.
    6. Posture Assessment: The positions of joints in relation to the ideal and to each other can be evaluated.

    The therapist will then formulate a list of problems you are having and how to treat those problems. A plan is subsequently developed with the patient's input. This includes how many times you should see the therapist per week, how many weeks you will need therapy, home programs, patient education, short-term and long-term goals, and what is expected after discharge from therapy. This plan was created with input from you, your therapist, and your doctor.

  • Why choose Well Works for physical therapy?

    More than half of all Americans suffer from pain. Whether it is a recent episode or chronic, an ABC News/Stanford study revealed that pain in America is a serious problem. However, many do not even know that physical therapists are well equipped to not only treat pain but also its source.

    Physical therapists are experts at treating movement and neuro-musculoskeletal disorders. Pain often accompanies a movement disorder, and physical therapists can help correct the disorder and relieve the pain. The physical therapists at Well Works are highly qualified to treat a range of conditions. Contact us today to schedule a physical therapy session with our compassionate staff to create a personalized session for you.

  • What do I need to bring with me?

    Make sure you bring your physical therapy referral (provided to you by your doctor) and your payment information. If your insurance is covering the cost of physical therapy, bring your insurance card. If you are covered by Workers' Compensation, bring your claim number and your case manager's contact information. If you are covered by auto insurance or an attorney lien, make sure you bring this information.

  • How should I dress?

    You should wear loose-fitting clothing to expose the area that we will be evaluating and treating. For example, if you have a knee problem, it is best to wear shorts. For a shoulder problem, a tank top is a good choice. For low back problems, wear a loose-fitting shirt and pants, again, so we can perform a thorough examination.

  • How long will each treatment last?

    Treatment sessions typically last 30 to 60 minutes per visit.

  • How many visits will I need?

    This is highly variable. You may only require one visit, or you may require months of care. It depends on your diagnosis, the severity of your impairments, your past medical history, etc. You will be re-evaluated on a monthly basis, and when you see your doctor, we will provide you with a progress report with our recommendations.

  • Who pays for the treatment?

    In most cases, health insurance will cover your treatment. Click on our insurance link for a summary of the insurances we accept, and make sure you talk to our receptionist so we can help you clarify your insurance coverage.

  • Who will see me?

    You will be evaluated by one of our licensed and highly trained physical therapists, and he or she will also treat you during subsequent visits. Unlike some clinics, where you see someone different each visit, we feel it is very important to develop a one-on-one relationship with you to maintain continuity of care. Since only one physical therapist knows your problems best, he or she is the one who will be working closely with you to speed your recovery.

  • What happens if my problem or pain returns?

    Flare-ups are not uncommon. If you have a flare-up (exacerbation), give us a call. We may suggest you come back to see us, return to your doctor, or simply modify your daily activities or exercise routine.

  • Can my therapist provide me with a diagnosis?

    In most states, physical therapists cannot make a medical diagnosis. This is something that your medical doctor will provide for you.

    Physical therapists are important members of your medical team. At this point in time, physicians are typically the health care providers that will provide you with a medical diagnosis.

  • How does the billing process work?

    Billing for physical therapy services is similar to what happens at your doctor's office. When you are seen for treatment, the following occurs:

    1. The physical therapist bills your insurance company, Workers' Comp, or charges you based on Common Procedure Terminology (CPT) codes.
    2. Those codes are transferred to a billing form that is either mailed or electronically communicated to the payer.
    3. The payer processes this information and makes payments according to an agreed-upon fee schedule.
    4. An explanation of benefits (EOB) is generated and sent to the patient and the physical therapy clinic with a check for payment and a balance due by the patient.
    5. The patient is expected to make the payment on the balance if any.

    It is important to understand that there are many small steps (beyond the outline provided above) within the process. Exceptions are common to the above example as well. At any time along the way, information may be missing, miscommunicated, or misunderstood. This can delay the payment process. While it is common for the payment process to be completed in 60 days or less, it is not uncommon for the physical therapy clinic to receive payment as long as six months after the treatment date.

  • What will I have to do after physical therapy?

    Some patients will need to continue with home exercises. Some people may choose to continue with their gym exercise routine. Others will complete their rehabilitation and return to their normal daily activities. It is important that you communicate your goals to your therapist, so he or she can develop a custom program for you.

  • Is my therapist licensed?

    Physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapist assistants (PTAs) are licensed by their respective states.



    You have the right to receive a "good faith estimate" explaining how much your medical care will cost. Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don't have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services.

    You have the right to receive a good faith estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes related costs like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees.

    Make sure your health care provider provides you with a written good faith estimate at least one business day before your medical service or item.You can also ask your healthcare provider, or any other provider you choose, for a good faith estimate before you schedule an item or service.

    If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your good faith estimate, you can dispute the bill.

    Make a copy or take a picture of your good faith estimate.

    For questions or more information about your right to a good faith estimate, visit or call our number on our website for more information.

  • What is your privacy policy?

    Our privacy policy can be read here:

    Notice of Privacy Practices

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